It is very important to have a charge on the mobile phone but it is often seen that it takes a long time to charge the battery when the mobile gets old. In that case, if you keep some things in mind, it is possible to charge the phone quickly. Find out what to do to charge your mobile within a limited time.

 Activate flight mode to charge faster. This will keep the phone calls, internet, GPS all off and the charge will not be lost

It is very important to have a charge on the mobile phone but it is often seen that it takes a long time to charge the battery when the mobile gets old. In that case, if you keep some things in mind, it is possible to charge the phone quickly. Find out what to do to charge your mobile within a limited time.

Many people may not know that there is a relationship between the temperature of the phone and the speed at which the phone is charged. If the place where you have charged the phone is very hot or cold, it will take longer to charge. Charging the phone in excess heat also raises the temperature of the phone. As a result, the phone charges very slowly.

You can turn off the power of the phone for fast charging, but in this case, if you need a watch or alarm, turning off the phone completely will not be the right solution.

Besides, it is always possible to charge the phone quickly with proper care. For example, if the phone is old, update it regularly. This will not slow down the phone on the one hand and the battery of the phone on the other hand will be good. Moreover, try to use the charger of the brand of the band phone. This will keep your phone and battery good, as well as charge quickly.