What are some psychological facts about attracting people?
We often hear that good girls fall in love with bad boys.
So what did the bad guys do to get the girls attracted to them?
Understand brainwashing? Brainwashing?
There are many strategies for attracting someone.
* First you need to know who you want to attract. That means you have to know well about who you want to attract. For this you have to be prudent, you have to have the ability to understand people. You have to understand what he likes and dislikes.
If someone likes music, the way to catch their eye is to do something about music.
Singing, talking about a new song, or telling him that you know the song well. This will make her interested in you because you are talking about one of her favorite topics.
When you understand his likes and dislikes, you will easily know what he will be interested in doing.
When an intelligent girl praises her beauty, she will not be overjoyed, but she will think about the reason behind your admiration.
On the other hand, tell a beauty-conscious girl how beautiful she looks with dark lipstick. She will remember that you once admired her dark lipstick.
* So go less to pretend yourself, want to know more about the person you want to attract.
Usually we see people around us busy with themselves. If you see someone there who is very interested in you, you must give him a different look? Isn't it?
Many people try so hard to impress themselves, but I could not attract him, why? Because that's it.
And as I said at the beginning, it's about brainwashing ...
It does not require much equipment. If you know some techniques like free hand exercises.
* How much you know about these things, how much skill you have in any subject does not come in handy. It comes down to how well you can co-operate. How much you can explore the man on the other side.
Now come to the veil. How did I write the details?
I myself am quite skilled in this matter.
And speaking of brainwashing ... once a lover of poetry played twelve of my brains like this. So pre-experience is plentiful.
What's more, Russell bye, I've been crazy for a month and a half ||